
Here are some free tools to help you on your journey - download and print to help aid you through preparing/recovering from surgery, and track any symptoms you are having during surgical menopause. This will help your Health Care Provider to work with you and assist you to thrive in surgical menopause.

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Preparation Advice from others

Oophorectomy (plus hysterectomy) is a major surgery, and recovery can be a complex process.  Being psychologically and physically prepared is key. You can help make it easier for yourself by preparing your home and organizing extra help in advance.

Fellow patients who have been through the surgery offered their advice for preparing in advance: including ‘Handy items for recovery’ and ‘Preparing your home’ for an easier recovery.

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Hospital packing list

Not sure what to pack for your hospital trip? Our IAPMD Surgical Menopause Patient Advisors have put together this handy packing list, based in their experiences. Download this handy checklist to use as your guide to what you will need!


Recovery time overview

An overview for what to expect in terms of recovery from laparoscopic THBO. Other surgeries may vary. Print off and talk through plans with your family/friends. It can be a good idea to display somewhere public in your home (like the fridge door!) to manage the expectations of others.

Surgical Menopause Symptom Tracker

Surgical Menopause Symptom Tracker

Tracking symptoms in surgical menopause can be useful for you and your provider to help titrate any medication/lifestyle changes that you may need to feel your best in surgical menopause. Do bear in mind that during the first year it is likely you will experience ‘bumps in the road’ as your body adjusts to the loss of ovaries and, therefore, the main source of estrogen. HRT may need adjusting over time, but be mindful that any changes will take time to settle and the surge can cause unpleasant symptoms for a short time.

Print double sided to have a space for additional notes.

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print lots of copies of the tracker

Print off 12 copies of your tracker and put them on a clipboard with a pen attached. Keep it somewhere you will see it daily - such as next to your bed - so you are reminded to fill it in on a daily basis!

Balance App for menopause tracking

Balance Tracking App by Dr Louise Newson

Dr Louise Newson, who is on the IAPMD Surgical Menopause Committee, has launched an app specifically for tracking menopause symptoms (this is inclusive of surgical menopause). Balance allows you to track your symptoms, access personalized expert content, share stories, and lots more. It is not PMDD/hormone sensitivity specific but is very comprehensive.


This project was financially assisted by The Patty Brisben Foundation for Women’s Sexual Health. The views expressed herein do not necessarily represent those of The Patty Brisben Foundation for Women's Sexual Health.