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Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder: Clinical Implications, Neuroanatomical Hubs, and Substrates of Risk

This is an IAPMD Professional Community Webinar, and the content is aimed at Health Care Professionals & Researchers. Patients with a special interest are welcome to attend but please note that the presentation will be clinical in nature and we are not able to answer questions about individual health concerns/circumstances. Patient tickets are available here >>

The topic for this session is Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder: Clinical Implications, Neuroanatomical Hubs, and Substrates of Risk.

Sο»Ώpeaker: Shau-Ming Wei, Ph.D.

Dr. Shau-Ming Wei’s research focuses on defining the neuroregulatory effects of ovarian steroids in women and characterizing the impact of contextual variables (e.g. genes, age, early life stress) that modulate the effects of these steroids on brain function. She has completed studies informed by basic science findings that document the regulatory effect of estradiol on genes relevant to brain function. Multimodal neuroimaging platforms (PET, sMRI, and fMRI) are used to explore brain regions targeted by sex steroids during experimental hormone manipulation studies in healthy women and women with reproductive mood disorders including premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD) and postpartum psychosis.

We are international and we know time zones can be confusing - to find what time this webinar will take place for you - click here.


Live webinar attendance is free to IAPMD Professional Community Members and you will automatically receive an invite. Membership includes two monthly webinars and exclusive networking opportunities for $10US/month. FREE for students!

Non-IAPMD Professional Community Members can purchase places at $15US per webinar if you are an established professional or $5 to students or patients. These funds will support IAPMD, a small but powerful nonprofit organization that will provide the social media visibility and staff support to sustain this new professional community.

The International Association for Premenstrual Disorders Clinical Advisory Board is staffed primarily by scientific experts who volunteer their time.

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