The International Association for Premenstrual Disorders (IAPMD) is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Our mission is to inspire hope and end suffering for those with premenstrual disorders through care and support, education and awareness, research, and advocacy. Since our founding in 2013, we’ve brought premenstrual disorders out of the shadows, and connected over a million people with information, resources, and support. With your help, we fight for a world where people with premenstrual disorders can not only survive, but thrive.
Individuals visited in 2023 for information, resources, & support
Support group members in forums and video support groups
Self-screenings for premenstrual disorders delivered globally
2023 Revenue
2023 Revenue
Contributions (Gifts, Grants) $73,764
In-Kind Donations $35,549
Membership $15,743
Program Revenue $6,088
Total Revenue $132,271
2023 Expenses
2023 Expenses
Programs $83,921
Administration $22,497
Fundraising $16,040
Total Expenses $122,458
IAPMD provides free information, resources, and support, advocates for research, and raises awareness of premenstrual disorders. Our work is only made possible through the dedication and generosity of volunteers and donors like you!
Make an impact
In 2024, our goal is to raise $100,000 through individual contributions. Help us be the light for people living with premenstrual disorders!
*Your support can go even farther with a monthly donation!
At first, working from home sounded great. But then my PMDD got worse. Work had always been a safe place for me, but not anymore. I was struggling and spiraling. Over time, I started to figure out how to make work work again.