Posts tagged 2020
Closer to Fine

If I’d been born into a red tent, maybe none of this would have happened.

When I first felt the physiological pinch of haywire hormones, PMDD had not yet been considered, much less featured in the DSM. That didn’t happen until 2013, by which time I’d been dealing with its effects for two decades.

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Heather Hendrie2020Comment
My Story Isn't Over Yet

My name is Amy and I have PMDD. And no, not just minor, unpleasant premenstrual type symptoms that happen once a month. Severe PMDD. Like my brain at times is trying to kill me PMDD. But that is just part of my story…

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Amy Prause2020Comment
PMDD and Me

“If you took away my illnesses, I would probably be envied for my picket fence tableau. Yet every month, without fail, with no real rhyme or reason, I still feel like I want to die. I still feel like I cannot breathe. I feel as though the very foundations of my life are crumbling.”

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